1. Dominion
  2. 2.Sezon 5.Bölüm( Son of the Fallen )
  1. Dominion

    2.Sezon 5.Bölüm
  1. Private
  2. Moly
  3. Odnok
  4. Odnok2
  5. Odnok3
  6. Odnok4
  7. Odnok5
  8. Odnok6
  9. Odnok7
  10. Femax

Genel Bakış

Dominion 2. Sezon 5. Bölüm türkçe altyazılı izle Dominion 2. Sezon 5. Bölüm dublaj hd izle Alex spearheads a plan to intercept Michael and Gabriel, who have breached the walls of New Delphi in pursuit of their mutual target; Claire begins the negotiation process with the revolting V1s; at the same time, David attempts to restore his legacy by any means necessary.

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