

Genel Bakış

A fantasy drama set in a world of legendary heroes and mythical creatures. Far from home and desperate for answers, Jason washes up on the shores of an ancient land. A mysterious place; a world of bull leaping, of snake haired goddesses and of palaces so vast it was said they were built by giants - this is the city of Atlantis. Aided by his two new friends, Pythagoras and Hercules, Jason embarks on a voyage of discovery, and salvation, which sees him brush shoulders with Medusa, come face to face with the Minotaur and even do battle with the dead.


Efsanevi kahramanlar ve efsanevi yaratıklar dünyasında bir fantezi tiyatrosu. Gizemli bir yer; Yunan mitolojisinin yaşadığı yer bu Atlantis şehri. İki yeni arkadaşı Pythagoras ve Herkül tarafından desteklenen Jason'ın maceralarını konu alan fantastik bir dünya.

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