Conversations with a Killer: The John Wayne Gacy Tapes

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Güçlü kişilerle düşüp kalkıyor, kurbanlarını ise savunmasız olanlardan seçiyordu. Yüzündeki gülümseme aslında sadist bir seri katilin karanlığını saklıyordu.


Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was an aspiring politician, beloved local contractor, and part-time clown-for-hire who murdered 33 young men between 1972 and 1976. The majority of his victims were found buried under his house, in the quiet northwest suburbs of Chicago. Fifty years later, DNA scientists are still trying to identify all of his victims, but thanks to 60 hours of unearthed audio between Gacy and his defense team, we have fresh perspective on the narcissistic mindset of the murderer and a deeper understanding of how he operated for so long with impunity.

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